Upcoming events

Body image toolkit masterclass!

Body image toolkit masterclass!

  • A zoom link will be emailed to those who reserve seats (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This one-hour masterclass will give you everything you need to begin healing your body image!

This class will cover:

The basics of body image, a set of tools to help you start healing your body image, and expert answers to common body image questions. There will also be an exclusive giveaway at the end to those who attend!


Cost is $10. Remember to check out after you reserve your seat to gain access to the class!

Class will take place over zoom. A zoom link will be emailed out to those who have purchased access to the live class. If you can’t attend live, you will still be sent a recording of the class once it has concluded.

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moving with love: Transforming your relationship with movement for long-term health

learn the three key pieces to falling in love with movement!

How to find movement that honors your energy, emotions, and body

Taking the guilt out of moving to get the full rainbow of benefits

Movement should feel good — Moving should be fun!

Stop moving to punish your body—learn to move because you love yourself!

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A new FREE masterclass!

January is the month when we are most subjected to the marketing, harassment, and allure of diet culture. Every five minutes, there’s a new ad showing you a dream life of happiness and ease, delivered through the promise of '“guaranteed weight loss.”

We all know that diets DON’T WORK! They result in metabolic damage, hormone disruption, and digestive illness, in addition to the mental and emotional stress of restricting food.

You can achieve that dream life of happiness and ease WITHOUT dieting and WITHOUT weight loss!

In this class, you’ll learn:

-How to resist and reject diet culture

-The basics of non-diet nutrition

-How to treat yourself with compassion

-How to stop restricting food and punishing your body

-How to rock a bikini/crop top/mini skirt/ birthday suit with confidence!

-How to love your body without weight loss

-& more!

All who register will be sent a video recording of the class, so sign up even if you can’t attend live!


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free masterclass: health without dieting!

free masterclass: health without dieting!

In this class, Sara will go over the basics of how to be healthy without the toxic influence of diet culture masquerading as “wellness.” She will help you unlearn “good food/bad food” messaging, go over how to eat intuitively, teach you how to nourish yourself with neutral nutrition, and discuss the importance of rest. The class will finish with a Q&A.

All folks who register will receive access to a video recording of the class. Register by filling out the form below!

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Free Class: Healing Body Image

Free Class: Healing Body Image

In this class, you will acquire new tools to help you cope on bad body image days. Sara will help you begin to shift your perspective on your body—shifting away from criticism, hatred, and stress towards self-compassion, self-care, self-love, and joy. Anyone who picks apart their body in the mirror, hates seeing photos of themselves, and finds themselves stressed by their experience of their body will benefit from this offering.

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