intuitive eating & body image healing

Group health coaching

what if…


What if you woke up every morning comfortable in your body?

What if you ate when you were hungry and stopped when you were satisfied? 

What if you never again had to endure the cycle of “clean eating” on weekdays and “all out binges” on weekends? 

What if you could accept your body, as it is, right now?

What if you reached your set-weight-point?

What if you didn’t give a damn what you weighed?

What if you could buy the next size up like it ain’t no thang?

What if you could be fully present in your life?

What if you could learn to treat yourself with respect?

How would your world change if there were no food rules?

How would your life change if you never had to diet again?

What would it feel like to fully embrace the body you have now? 

I know how it feels to wake up every morning waging war against your own body. 

To be terrified of your hunger, terrified of gaining weight. 

Life doesn’t need to be this way!

There’s a way out, and it’ll lead you to the most peace of mind you’ve ever known…

Group health coaching

you’ll learn self-compassion, resilience, and flexibility to be at peace with your body for the rest of your life! 



Waking up every morning not needing to weigh yourself

Eating when you’re hungry & stopping when you’re satisfied 

Ordering whatever you want off the restaurant menu

Moving and resting as much as your body needs

Truly enjoying cooking without a single thought about calories 

Feeling 100% connected to your body, every day of the year 

Treating yourself like own best friend

Forgetting you have ice cream in the freezer

Feeling a sense of self-worth totally independent of your body size

Spontaneously baking and eating cookies with your kid 

Finding a new form of movement that makes you excited to exercise

Being fully present in your body and your life

Making choices based on your super-powered intuition 

Being a better friend, partner, mother, daughter &person, because you’re better to YOURSELF!

Imagine if loving your body was as easy as breathing?

Lifelong friends. Unlimited community support. Mentorship and guidance. Guaranteed healing.

Taking care of yourself shouldn’t be a fight.

You deserve to be at peace in your body. Are you ready?

Are you ready to change your life?


Program length: 4 months

Two 75- 90 minute coaching calls over zoom per month

24/7 group chat on Voxer

Messaging coaching with Sara on that group chat 3x/ week

Investment: $280/ month

Extended payment plan available

Program includes:

Guidance with learning how to eat intuitively

Tools to heal your body image

Support from a group of people who know exactly how you’re feeling

Mentorship for behavior change, adopting new habits, and taking care of both your physical AND mental health 

Gentle, non-diet nutritional guidance from a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach 


+3 times weekly coaching via messaging for between-session support 

+Access to a 24/7 group chat with other group members

+Access to 6 pre-recorded modules: “Intro to Intuitive Eating”

secure your spot! Sign up today!