your relationship with your body needs healing
Your relationship with your body could use some work. I know how it feels to spend all day at war with yourself and your body, so I'm sending you the biggest virtual hug.
The good news is that you don't have to continue suffering.
It is more than possible to heal your relationship with food, movement, rest, and body image so you can fully enjoy being alive and start taking proper care of your health.
More good news for you is that, even by just taking this quiz today, you have already taken the first steps towards healing!
Read below for some recommendations on how to get started on your healing journey.
Three tips to help you get started on healing your relationship with your body:
1) Start to become more aware of your thoughts about your body
Pay attention when you think a critical, cruel, or judgmental thought about your body. Ask: where did that thought come from? Where did I learn to think this way? How does my body feel when I speak to it this way? Would I speak about my best friend like this?
Start recognizing that this is a learned voice--and that it doesn't represent reality or even the way you truly feel about yourself.
2) Read up on Intuitive Eating
Educate yourself about Intuitive Eating to learn more about ways to eat that don't involve diet culture, restriction, and body shaming! Intuitive eating is the gateway to an easy, relaxed, healthy relationship with food. CLICK HERE to read my blog post outlining the 10 principles of intuitive eating!
3) Take one baby step each day to work towards accepting and respecting your body
Maybe you cover your mirrors so that you can step away from a bad body image day. Maybe you add in one meditation a week. Maybe you drink more water, or spend some time outdoors, or add a little stretch to the end of your day before bed. Whatever it is, if you move from a place of self-compassion, you won't go wrong.
"Who's this coach with all the tips?" Let me introduce myself...
Hey there! I'm Sara Vander Zwaag, a certified Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coach and Body Peace Mentor. I lead my clients to peace in their bodies and help them heal their relationships with themselves. I utilize neutral nutrition & intuitive eating while teaching my clients to heal their body image and improve their health. My practice is Health At Every Size (R) and weight-inclusive. I fight for the liberation of all bodies and serve all bodies equally in my work.