you and your body are working things out

You're on your way towards a healthy relationship with your body, and I’m going to help you get there quicker!

By taking this quiz, you've already given yourself an opportunity to see which areas of your life you can improve to have a healthier and more loving relationship with your body.

Maybe you need to step away from the scale, work on body image, and let go of trying to control your weight.

Maybe you need to take rest more seriously, and prioritize reducing stress in your life!

Maybe you've seen that dieting and restricting food is contributing to your bingeing and emotional eating, and now you know the way forward is to focus on healing your relationship with food.

Either way, your life will greatly improve if you take steps to have a better self-relationship. Read below for some recommendations!

Three tips to help you continue healing your relationship with your body:

1) Try letting go of the scale

We're taught that our weight is the most important indicator of our health. This is, quite simply, not true. There is no need for you to know your weight (yes, really!). Often daily, weekly, and even occasional weighing leads us to feelings of low self-esteem and low self-worth, which contributes to anxiety and depression. Experiment with not weighing yourself for a day or a week, and see how it makes you feel. Do you feel increased anxiety? That's a sign that you need to work on fears of weight and fat, and you would benefit from a mentor who can guide you in that process.

2) Experiment with not tracking your food

How would it feel to let your body tell you what it needs to eat when? Deciding to stop tracking food is a decision to trust your body. This can be quite scary at first! To make it easier, think of it as an experiment. Much like experimenting with not weighing yourself, playing around with not tracking food will give you a good insight into your relationship with your body. How does it feel to not track food? Do you feel more anxious, or do you feel relieved?

3) Either add one day or gentle movement or one day of rest to your week!

If you're struggling to establish a movement routine, adding one gentle exercise a week (stretch, short walk, short yoga practice, bike ride, slow swim, etc) will help you take a baby step towards a more movement-inclusive life! Moving is an important element of health, but it doesn't need to be extreme, high-impact or "perfect."

Do you have a movement routine but struggle to let yourself rest? Try taking one day off from movement a week and see how it feels Are you able to better recover from injuries? How does it impact your mental health? How does it change how you show up for yourself and others in your life?

"Who’s this coach with all the tips?" Let me introduce myself...

Hey there! I'm Sara Vander Zwaag, a certified Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coach and Body Peace Mentor. I lead my clients to peace in their bodies and help them heal their relationships with themselves. I utilize neutral nutrition & intuitive eating while teaching my clients to heal their body image and improve their health. My practice is Health At Every Size (R) and weight-inclusive. I fight for the liberation of all bodies and serve all bodies equally in my work.

Ready to get healing? Check out these three resources...

1. Watch my free masterclass: "New Year, No Diet!" I take you through the diet-culture rhetoric of New Year's and show you a different, healthier, more loving, anti-diet approach.

2. Read this blog post on the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating! I break down the 10 principles and explain how to incorporate them into your life so you can start healing your relationship with food!

3. Book a free 15 minute discovery call with your's truly. We'll get to know one another, talk about how coaching can improve your health and happiness, and give you space to ask any questions that arise! This is for you if you’re committed to your healing journey and ready to move into a better relationship with yourself, your body, and your life!

P.S. Expect to see me in your inbox with an exclusive offer!